Imagine yourself living in 1938 North China
- Posted by rusgen
- On April 30, 2020
- 1939, anketa, brem, China, harbin, immigrants, Manchu, questionnaire, Russia
To be able to get out of town (Harbin), you need to be registered with the BREM, Bureau on the affairs of Russian Emigrants in Manjuria.
And you need to fill in the very detailed questionnaire. Below is the translation of what they asked the resident. 9 pages. Some questions might seem unfamiliar for the modern reader, but just try to think how inquisitive they were.

50,000+ questionnaires filed by Russian residents of China now stored in the Khabarovsk archive. Usually accompanied by other documents, real treasury trove for family researcher. Please contact us is you wish to find something about your relatives who were living here.
And now, to the text of the questionnaire.
6th Department of the Bureau of Russian Emigrants Affairs in the Manchu Empire
Biographical Information
(Answers required be accurate and detailed) OMISSIONS NOT ALLOWED
If there is not enough space in the column, then write on a separate sheet under the same number.
Photographic cards are attached to biographies
A. Surname (women indicate maiden name)
B. Name
B. Patronymic
G. Pseudonyms (literary and stage)
D. Address (City, district, street, houses and apartments number)
1. Date of birth (year, month and day)
2. Place of birth (province, county, city, village, volost
3. Nationality
4. Religion
5. Citizenship and from what time you are in it
6. Marital status (Please list all the following: wife or husband, children, mother, father, brothers, sisters, their names, patronymics and last names, year of their birth, citizenship, where serves in what position, how much they earn per month, their addresses.
Indicate in which marriage you are – church or civil, widows, divorced or single
7. Are there any close relatives, their profession and where they live (their last names are indicated, name, patronymic, relation degree, their age, citizenchip, place of service and position.
8. Have you applied for USSR citizenship, when and where.
9. Did you have a receipt on the initiation of an application about the entry into the citizenship of the USSR, from what time.
10. Did you have a USSR passport, from what time and and where you lived at that time.
11. Have you been denied USSR’s citizenship and for what reason.
12. When did the USSR passport stop to be rolled over and for what reason.
13. When and where the application for leaving citizenship be initiated (year and month are indicated)
14. The reason for leaving Soviet citizenship.
15. Were you in any foreign citizenship, where, from what time, and if you left it the reasons for the exit.
16. General and special, higher, secondary and non-higher education: Indicate location, name of educational institution, year of admission and graduation.
17. Major specialty and experience.
18. Other specialties and experience in them.
19. Do you have any free professions (painter, poet, musician, artist, etc).
20. Did you work in newspapers or magazines (where, when and for what positions).
21. Place of current service (city, station), name of institution, enterprise where you serve and from what time (year, month, day).
22. What position do you currently occupy and for what time (category, full-time or temporary.)
23. What is salary received, monthly earnings, daily earnings (if earnings are inconsistent, then indicate average earnings).
23. a) Do you receive a pension from the railway through the red or yellow book and what is amount.
24. Who is your dependent (name, patronymic, last name of dependent persons, what they do, whether they live with you together or separately and where).
24. a) Do you and your dependent persons occupy a state or private apartment, what number of rooms and monthly cost of the apartment.
25. Have you served in the public service before? If yes, then where exactly and what positions and when.
26. On which railways did you serve and from what time.
27. Which posts held on the railways and from what time.
28. In what positions could you and would like to serve in present time – on railways, in guards, etc.
28. a) If you already serve,what position would you like to be displaced and where.
29. In what private enterprises did you serve, where, from what time and in what positions.
30. Have you served in foreign enterprises, institutions, when exactly and in what positions.
31. Knowledge of foreign languages (indicate which languages you know, what is your level – only spoken or additionaly written language).
32. When did you arrive in Manchuria (year and month).
33. From where did you arrive in Manchuria, through which border point.
34. With what documents did you arrive in Manchuria (indicate by whom the documents were issued).
35. Reason for entering Manchuria.
35a) Did you travel abroad during your stay in Manchuria? (indicate when, where and why).
36. Did you have permission to leave Russia from the Soviet authorities and from which institution.
37. The reason and time of departure from the USSR.
38. List the documents that you currently have (passport number … .. who issued, where and when, birth certificate, education, service сertificates, etc.)
39. Estate before the revolution.
40. Indicate your physical disabilities (myopia, deafness, limping, etc.)
Social and political information
41. Your political beliefs (republican, monarchist, liberal, legitimist, democrat, socialist, fascist, etc).
42. In which unions or organizations WERE YOU BEFORE, for what time, where, what positions occupied in these organizations (political organizations are indicated, professional, public, military, charitable, etc.
43. Reason for leaving these organizations.
44. Were you members of the former revolutionary parties, or military organizations until 1917 and later (when and where).
45. Were you members, candidates or sympathizers in Soviet organizations (trade unions, local committees, uchkoms, etc.), where and for what time, what positions did you hold and what kind of work executed, were you not registered as unemployed).
46. What membership dues paid, their size and from what time
47. Were you agents of Soviet intelligence services? GPU, intelligence agency, police, etc., if so, when and where and in what institutions.
48. Were you not given subscriptions to any Soviet institutions if yes, when, which and where.
49. Have you worked in intelligence agencies before revolution of 1917 and under the Bolsheviks.
50. In what organizations, unions, associations, country associations are you now, from what time and what kind of work you carry there.
51. What did you do, where did you serve and in what positions: (indicate in detail the place of residence, the name of the service, salaries, etc). From what time held the position or did something if did not serve. Details should be given in each column for each year).
- in 1910
- in 1911
- in 1912
- in 1913
- in 1914
- in 1915
- in 1916
- in 1917
- in 1918
- in 1919
- in 1920
- in 1921
- in 1922
- in 1923
- in 1924
- in 1925
- in 1926
- in 1927
- in 1928
- in 1929
- in 1930
- in 1931
- in 1932
- in 1933
- in 1934
- in 1935
- in 1936
52. Did you have any moveable or immovable property before (from what time) and where it is located.
53. Do you have any movable or immovable property before (from what time) and where it is located.
54. Have you been tried and investigated, where, when, in what case and what was a verdict before the revolution of 1917
during white movement
under the soviet authority
in exile: in Manchuria and other states.
55. Have you ever been arrested, where, when and for what reason, by whom (which institution)
55 a) Have you been imprisoned? (where, when, why)
56. Who are you familiar with:
a) from emigrants,
b) Japanese,
c) Manchurian
d) Soviet citizens
e) prominent Soviet employees
e) foreigners
(provide name, surname, patronymic, address and occupation)
57. Why didn’t you move to the USSR with mass evacuation of Soviet citizens.
58. Do you think to leave Manchuria, if so, when, where and why exactly.
Military information
59. Year and place of entry into military service.
60. Military education:
- training team
- military school
- ensign school
- special officer school
- military Academy
- military courses abroad
61. Military service experience (drill, staff and military administrative,
last rank).
62. The name of the military unit in which served in peacetime.
63. Participation in campaigns.
64. The name of the military unit, which served during the Great War.
65. From what time were participant in the Great War.
66. Were involved in a civil war.
67. In which army were during the civil war.
68. The name of the military unit in which served during the civil war.
69. Orders and insignia.
70. Injuries and contusions (indicate their degree, in the sense of suitability for military and civilian service).
71. Which of the prominent public or administrative persons can vouch for you, his place of service, position and address.
72. When did you register with the Bureau for Russian Emigrants.
73. Indicate receipt’s number of registration with the Bureau of Affairs for Russian emigrants.
I undertake to inform about change of address or place of service immediately in Office of the 6th Division of the Bureau for Russian Emigrants in Harbin.
I have provided the information on all PARAGRAPHES completely, I guarantee and bear full responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of all above information as well as this subscription, in that I undertake obey all orders of the Bureau of Russian Emigrants in the Manchurian Empire.
Can you write that detailed report on your life today? Answer all 70+ questions?